Authors: Robert Kennedy and Dennis B. Weis
Pages: 496
Publisher: Robert Kennedy Publishing
My personal motivation for reading this book was stagnation. Stagnation in the fact I had neither the motivation or knowledge to really push my training from intermediate to advanced training. My hope was that this book would push my knowledge and motivation beyond the current limits I possess.It did not disappoint. Kennedy and Weis have put together and absolute fountain of motivation and knowledge that absolutely blew me away. There is a ton of stuff here to inspire and challenge anyone who is ready to take their training to the next level.
One of the outstanding strengths of this book is the focus on mental preparation and concentration to train. The authors are right in that we often talk about this part of training but never really know what to do or focus on it. It is probably the most important part of training as it deals with the mind and body connection. The authors devote several chapters to this part of training. including some very detailed instructions on how to approach a workout with renewed mental focus.
In addition to this, there is training ideas galore. There are far to many to list here and that is a good thing. If your looking for something different or something else to try that might work better in your training as a bodybuilder, this book probably has it. The even better part is that it is all in one book.
The graphics are strong with tons of pictures to inspire and illustrate each concept. The charts are extensive and informative with specific programs outlined in detail. Writing style is straightforward and at times entertaining.
If there is a weakness, it is that this is not a beginners manual. It is definitely designed for someone who who has the basics down and understood. If you have been lifting for more than a year or two and want to supercharge your efforts, this is the book for you.
Rating: 4 and a half stars. I am pretty sure the authors achieved their purpose. This is a book that gives out a lot of information and motivational tools and secrets. The boost it gave my motivation and training as already been substantial and I still have not touched the tip of the iceberg so to speak of all the information in this book. Combine this and some of the most practical advice on mental focus and mind-body connection in training I have seen and this makes it a bodybuilder's must have.
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