Since the month began (in truth probably since the middle of April), I have been plagued by several questions not the least has been what to do with my writing. I mean throwing blog article out there is great from time to time and it has its moments where people seem genuinely touched, but what is it all for?
Last week I read a reviewed Robert A. Heinlein's Grumbles from the Grave and to be very honest it was challenging book to read from the standpoint of it challenged my motivation for writing. Heinlein in the book answers a letter from a reader answering several questions. One of those questions is 'why do I write?" Heinlein's response is lengthy to explain three simple statements: 1) To support myself and my family, 2) To entertain my readers and 3) To make people think. I believe he is dead on.
I think my problem is related to these answers; in that, I have the last one but not necessarily the first two. Ultimately, it is the first two though that mark the success of any writing venture. Writing takes time and it is time I could be doing something else that actually did number one. So far the grand total made in my writing career is $50 but it was enough that I had the same sort of reaction that Heinlein did when he got his first check for writing his first short story: 'Life-Line'. "How long has this racket been going on?" was his response. Mine was: "Holy crap, it took me ten minutes to write that letter to Musclemag International and it netted me 50 bucks. Talk about easy money!" To be honest, if I could sit an write stuff and net a few hundred a week, I would. If I could make more, even better.
Artistic purists always whine about money ruining art, but the fact is without cash any pursuit will eventually die out on planet earth. More money means more time and freedom to enjoy and pursue what you want. It is not money itself that pulls me but the things I could do with it and if writing were my second career, and it could generate a significant enough paycheck, I would love doing it even more.
The real thing though is number 2 - entertainment. If it is not entertaining, no one will read your stuff. No one has to read your stuff; they have choice. On the Internet there are a google of choices to read out there why should they read mine? The only reason anyone would is that they like it enough ot bypass the others and read mine. Books are about as bad, but the same principle applies.
So, for the last week I have been just thinking positively about the whole thing and doing the one thing I know works - praying and then shutting up and waiting for God to answer. You know this Law of Attraction thing works! Suddenly I was hit with an idea and instructions. The idea was to take the themes of the non-fiction book I have been stuck on and turn it into a work of fiction. What was turning me off about the book is it was basically a series of lecture type essays. The only thing entertaining about them was my sarcastic sense of irony. Taking those same themes (and my sarcastic sense of irony)and weaving them into an entertaining novel would definitely make it better. The only question is backdrop, characters and plot. Story tellers are always far better received than lecturers anyway.
I got instructions as well. Wait till I go on the trip to Romania to start. Why? There are some things I need to see and learn from the trip that will help the book. I have always heard that world travel is as educational and life changing as university or college; I guess this will put this to the test.
My blog is an entirely different matter. The real questions is learning how to connect in the right ways. There are a ton of blogs out there on how to make money blogging, why not read them and see what they suggest? There are a lot of questions here but I know what gets hits: magazine reviews. One post shot up simply because the title made it perfect for Google when you typed in a search that read "scientific method". Learning what does this and how to do it better are essentials here. I need to be the thing people are searching for.
Making people think is what I try to do naturally in all my communication but what they feel, see and hear is important too. Communicating on all levels to get mind, heart and spirit change is the real challenge, but that's what I love about writing and preaching for that matter.
For the first time in a while I have sense of real purpose about this writing thing and it feels great. I can see what I am trying to achieve, I can hear the sound of change falling into my bank and I feel the winds of success. This is great stuff.
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