Title: The Millionaire Mind
Author: Thomas Stanley
Pages: 406
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing (New York), 2001
Having read The Millionaire Next Door I was looking forward to this book as hopefully some more detailed information on how the mind of a millionaire works and if it is possible to adopt the mentality of a millionaire. Thomas Stanley offers up 406 pages of information, facts and conclusions about how the millionaire mind works.
The book is basically a list of success factors that make up the difference between millionaires and most other people. It includes such things as their education, courage, vocational choice, choice of spouse, being economically productive, home life and lifestyle. Every single one of these flies in the face of modern convention and stereotypes. The millionaire is not only different in how he lives but also in how he thinks.
The book is loaded with facts, charts, information and stories. The style is straightforward and informative. There is definitely an attempt to pass on the mind of the millionaire to the reader. Ultimately the picture is one of a person who is courageous enough to take calculated risks, but humble enough to do what it takes to be successful.
If there is a weakness it is the length of the book, the content is definitely worth the read but it takes time. You have to be really interested in changing your mindset to really take advantage of this book as well.
Rating: Three and three quarter stars. This is a solid book that meets its objectives. It is well researched and does the one thing that a book of this kind should do, it makes you think. It looses some points for length and readability at times.
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